Our mobile app explains how to setup and configure netis modem. When you buy a new modem or when you need to reset your netis router, you have to install it from the beginning. In such cases, having the app at hand will be very useful for you.
What's in the app
How to login to the main admin page of Netis wireless modem routers (Default ip address netis. Default username and password are printed on the label on the back of the device)
How to set upl Modem Router (netis wf2411e, wf2409e)
How to change wifi password and wifi channel (netis wifi password recovery)
Why can't I access the Internet after Netis successfully connects to the router's wireless network (Windows system)?
How to upgrade firmware and set time
How to configure client mode, bridge mode and bandwidth control
How to configure repeater mode (netis wifi range extender)